Women empowerment- Rehabilitation in society: |
The girls above 18 years are given special training under the following heads – |
File making: |
Various kinds of files- simple files, lever files are made here. Torrent Power Company, Cancer Research Hospital, various doctors, advocates etc... place their orders here to promote our blind girls. |
Home Science: |
- The final destination of a girl is a home away from home. So, to prepare them for a married life they are taught the art of cooking, house-keeping, the art of repairing torn clothes, fixing buttons etc. The art of keeping the house clean, cutting vegetables, maintaining various cup-boards etc.
- Child-care, plus how to dress up with traditional clothes, ironing clothes and recognizing various grains, vegetables with the sense of touch is also taught.
- The art of making various snacks, like chikki etc is also taught so that they can help the family with some extra income.
Massage and acupressure: |
Our girls are given complete training by professionally trained physiotherapist. This helps the girls to add to their family income by later on working at various massage centres as well as under orthopaedic doctors. |
Home Crafts: |
The girls are taught to make artificial jewellery which is the trend of dressing-up by young girls of today. They are also taught to make wax-lamps, friendship belts, rakhies, etc. All these crafts once again help them to add to their family income.
All the above training prepares our girls to be complete women and house-makers.
Here at “Andh Kanya Prakash Gruh” The girls are given the facility of boarding as well as lodging. Their daily needs such as bath-soaps, washing soaps, hair-oil etc are all taken care of by the institute. More over each candidate is given a stipend of Rs. 350/- p.m.. All these expenses are borne by the Trust. No government grant is given for this.
(According to the norms the school gets a grant from the director of social defence- Gujarat Government.) |